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Latest Advancements in BI-RADS 6: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction The Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) is a standardized system developed by the American College of Radiology (ACR) for categorizing breast imaging findings and guiding management decisions. Each category within the BI-RADS system provides a clear framework for interpreting breast imaging results and determining appropriate follow-up actions. Among these categories, BI-RADS 6 is…

Radiology in Oncology: The Role of Imaging in Cancer Detection and Treatment

Radiology is that part of medicine utilizing imaging technologies in diagnosis and treatment; hence, it plays an important role in oncology. Advanced imaging techniques provide critical information to guide oncologists in developing an effective treatment plan and monitoring progress. This article discusses the critical role radiology can play in cancer detection and treatment. Early Detection…

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